TKA Company Limited (TKA) was founded in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania in 1988 as a Limited Liability Company. The Company has four Departments namely: Property Valuations, Asset Management and Municipal Services; Property and Facility Management and Business Development; Research, Publications and Innovation; and, Project Planning and Management, Human Resources and Training

Asset Coding and Preparation of Fixed Assets Registers

Home Services Asset Coding and Preparation of Fixed Assets Registers

Service Overview

Companies need to keep track of their assets so that they can control their valuable properties and prevent them from loss or damage. In order to keep the track, the assets are required to tag with unique code or numbers.
asset coding by tka

Service Objectives

Asset Coding is made up of various things and procedures. Below is a sneak-peak into what entails this service.

Identify the Asset Type and Category

Choose a categorization method that aligns with the process used to categorize assets for accounting purposes.

Determine the Type of Asset Label Required

Asset labels and tags are not a one-size-fits-all solution. We shall help you determine which label to use according to your asset.

Assign a Unique Identification Number

This method makes it easy to determine important information about an asset simply by looking at the tag, while more detailed information is a barcode scan away.

Asset Tracking System

We shall enter the Asset and Associated Information into the system which you will use to track and know the location of your assets at all times.
Implementing a consistent asset tagging process flow ensures that all assets received by your company are consistently classified and tracked, making it easy to locate assets throughout the company, implement regular maintenance schedules, and maintain accurate record-keeping for auditing and accounting purposes.

Service Outcomes

  • Property Monitoring
  • Simple Allotment Process
  • Easy Asset Identification

With this service, you can check the movement history of single or multiple assets with all the information recorded in your application.

The information may include various data such as type, name, utility, and condition of the assets. During the allocation process, you can check the movement history of single or multiple assets with all information and date-time and user details.

 Deliver single or multiple assets to users of different departments located at a different workstation.

You can define an expiry date to the assets while being allotted to different persons. You will get reminders for returning the assets.

Easily code and track your assets to prevent loss. In a location full of assets, accurately and easily know what is which.