TKA Company Limited (TKA) was founded in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania in 1988 as a Limited Liability Company. The Company has four Departments namely: Property Valuations, Asset Management and Municipal Services; Property and Facility Management and Business Development; Research, Publications and Innovation; and, Project Planning and Management, Human Resources and Training

Asset Valuation

Home Services Asset Valuation

Service Overview

Valuation is the estimating the Value of tangible assets such as land, buildings, furniture and equipment, biological property and plant and machinery; and intangible assets such as goodwill and intellectual property, for a given purpose.
asset valuation in Dar
Dar valuation from the sky

Service Objectives

A couple of things are mandatory in the offering of this service. Get a look at them below:

Asset Inventory

It is important for you and us to know what is in stock before we begin this process.


It is made up of asset depreciation and impairement.

Initial Value

This comprises of Unit Rates and Gross Replacement Cost.

Valuation Report

In conjuction with Depreciated Replacement Cost, you will receive a report from us.
Valuation is required to determine market value, insurance value, forced sale value, replacement cost, or depreciated replacement cost, for purposes of sale, acquisition, investment, collateral, insurance, compensation, financial reporting, rent assessment, taxation, joint venture undertakings.

Service Outcomes

  • Cost Planning and Estimation
  • Loan Acquisition
  • Resource Planning

It helps with long-term financial planning and budgeting for those who own assets, or those looking forward to acquire them.

With the correct value of your assets, you can secure high loans to foster business/personal development.

Based on valuation you will receive from us, you will be able to prioritize and allocated resources accordingly in a local, regional or national level.

About Us

We are a customer-centric group of experts with vast experience in Real Estate Industry, committed to help you achieve your goals.
Company Profile